Kutenda Kwa Usalama Barabarani for Primary School Education in Moshi, Tanzania

Kaloleni Primary School

Kaloleni Primary is a rural public school in Moshi, TZ with a diverse population of boys and girls. Over 200 children attended the KKUB performance. Half of the children completed road safety education tests following the performance.


Mwenge Primary School

Mwenge Primary is a public school in the heart of Moshi Municipality. Several hundred children watched the KKUB performance after their school day. 


Muungano Primary School 

Muungano Primary is an urban public school in Moshi, TZ. Children and teachers attended KKUB performance. Over 100 children completed a road safety knowledge evaluation. 

Mandela Primary School

Mandela Primary is a rural public school in Moshi, TZ that shares a campus with Azimio Primary. Many teachers and over 400 children from both schools watched the KKUB performance. A group of 100 children completed an evaluation of the lessons taught in the performance. 

Group photo

KKUB Volunteers

30 local young adults participated in the month long training course and 25 continued on to the performance and evaluation portion of the intervention.  The course trained participants in Theatre for the Oppressed techniques that enabled them to create their own play to educate on relevant road safety issues. The course also provided training on public speaking and introductory lessons on survey administration, giving them the skills to join other locally based research teams.